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Blended Learning Technologies, LLC ("BLTech")

As president and Chief Experience Officer of BLTech, Bob Gruss provides classroom instruction with online self-paced assessments in Leadership Development, Management, Sales, and Innovation.


A multiple-year award-winning distributor for Wiley’s DiSC® personal learning assessments — now including the new “The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team” along with Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders, Management, Sales, Workplace, and Management 363 (360+).   


Alliance Management International, LTD ("AMI")

Over a decade of experience as founder and managing partner at AMI, Mr. Gruss created an alliance building "facilitated" methodology for companies who's goal was to double or triple the resuts they were realizing from their strategic partnerships.


Under the auspicies of AMI, he performed work in the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Singapore, Slovakia, Taiwan, and the United States. He has personally conducted Joint Business Planning workshops for more than a hundred companies, including Andersen Consulting, AT&T, Avnet, Cisco, Ernst & Young, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, Seagate Technologies, the government of Taiwan.


His sales and management background with such companies as Applied Technology Ventures ( Inc. 500 of Fastest Growing Companies for three consecutive years ), Monroe Systems for Business (acquired by Litton Industiries), Four Phase Systems (acquired by Motorola), NCR Corporation, and Teradata supports his appreciation and keen understanding of the internal dynamics of small and large corporations.


Mr. Gruss was humbled when asked to be a contributing instructor in courses that were sponsored by USAID and AUPHA. These courses were taught to medical doctors in Slovakia. The topics covered were; Introduction to Management, Leadership, Organizational Culture, Systems Thinking, Decision Making, and Change Management.  He has also served as the Vice President and a Trustee for the Cleveland-Bratislava Sister Cities International organization.


Mr. Gruss obtained his B.B.A from Ohio University, where he served as a visiting executive for the "Executive MBA without Boundaries" program. He is an original member of the Ohio University Ralph and Luci Schey Sales Centre and is currently an active member of the Professional Sales Advisory Board serving as previous Co-Chair of the Coach and Candidate Committee, helping students transition and secure successful careers in sales. He is a proud member of Beta Theta Pi - Men of Principle Initiative. 



Twitter:     @bgruss

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